Tuesday, May 14, 2013

PPIF Book 1 - Left Hand playing...

Part Two - Left Hand Playing...

We move on to Part Two. Left hand plays the Middle C position. Please guide your student how to give a comfortable room for each thumb when required to play Middle C. This position is introduced so as to expand the range wider in order for the student to experience playing familiar songs eg Christmas carols, folk songs . This can be further enhanced when accompanied by the teacher. The notes of Bass Clef were first introduced as a group of four notes. Student can see the descending (Middle C, B, A and G) or ascending four notes (G, A, B and Middle C). Once the concept is understood each individual note is emphasised in the following pieces. Remember you can use the manuscript pages at the end of the book. Markings - tempo, articulation and dynamics are being introduced. Introduce and teach them once the students can already play the notes. Enjoy...

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